13. Nevada

Month: October 2015
Location: Las Vegas

Yeah.  I went to Vegas and you know “What happens in Vegas…”

Well, ok I suppose I must document, since this is after all a part of my travels.  But we must first go back a few years.  When I was in graduate school, I made lifelong friends.  People who are my closest family and over the years there have been several occasions where we have gotten together for parties, birthday’s and have even gone on vacations together.  Recently those trips have included families and as can be expected, most of the activities were geared towards kids.  But now it was my buddy Som’s birthday and all the guys had received permission to travel for a “boys only” weekend in Vegas.  After months of planning – well, the talking took months, actual planning much less - we were on our way.

Som, who lives in Connecticut, and I had planned our travel such that his flight from Hartford would connect at Chicago, where I would join him and then we could fly out to Vegas together.  I arrived at the gate to see that my buddy was already there and he suggested that we start our expedition at the airport bar.  Why not?  After all we were headed to Vegas!  That which started at the airport, continued on the plane and about 4 hours later, we found ourselves staring down at the bright neon light of the Las Vegas strip.  As soon as you exit the plane, you are greeted by ‘Slot Machines’ right at the gate area.  I do not know what compels someone to start gambling as soon as they get off a plane or right up to when they get on one, but whatever.  It is Vegas after all.

Our hotel lobby
The ride from the airport to the strip isn’t long and our cab driver made it shorter with his maniacal driving.  We were headed towards ‘Aria Resorts’, which would be our hotel for the next 3 days.  Now, this is a huge place.  It took us the same time to get around the property to the drop-off point, as it took to get there and once off the cab, the valet whisked our luggage away, saying that it will be delivered to our room.  We checked-in and met up with our 2 other buddies who had arrived earlier that day.  I have had my share of travels and hotels, but nothing compared to this one in size.  The walk from the elevators to our room was a hike and our room itself was more modern than any other that I have been in, complete with remote controlled drapes and other such devices.  But if there one place in Vegas that people spend least time in, it is the hotel room. We would not be too different.

It was close to 11 pm local time – 1 pm my time – when we went to one of the dozen restaurants in our hotel for dinner and it was well past midnight when we hit the strip.  I have always imagined that being on the Las Vegas strip is like being at a 24 hour carnival.  There are flashing lights all around – no matter whether day or night – and sidewalks are crowded at all hours.  Plus there is “stuff” happening everywhere – at minimum street performers and the famous “Vegas Showgirls”.  One definitely loses a sense of time and so did we.  It was almost 5 am when we got back and we capped off the night by having breakfast before bed.  Yeah, it can only happen in Vegas.

The Chocolate Fountain...
As expected, we got a late start the next day and after some much needed coffee, we found the hotel buffet.  Now, visiting the buffet in Vegas is some sort of “rite of passage”, though for the life of me I don’t know why.  People overeat for the sake of doing it and the inevitable lethargy sets in. That’s exactly what happened to us and we found ourselves spending better part of the afternoon in our room.  We had been joined by another one of our buddies and in the early evening the 5 of us took the shuttle train from our hotel to one of the crown jewels of Las Vegas strip, ‘Bellagio’.  Our hotel, ‘Aria’ was very modern and as good as it gets.  But walking down the hallways of 'Bellagio', one of my buddies pointed out how this place just screams of old world opulence. We came across a big area which had been decorated in Fall colors, with giant Pumpkins and all things that make Autumn great.  However, I was soon distracted when I saw a pastry shop with “Chocolate Fountains” in the display window.  The place was called ‘Jean-Philippe Patisserie’ and over there, I had what in my opinion, is one of the best ‘Crème Brule’ that I have ever tasted.  Now, I have had a lot of those in my time and this one could handily beat many of the restaurant made versions of the dessert.

...and the real one
No trip to the ‘Bellagio’ is complete without a stop to watch the magnificent fountains at the front of the hotel.  This is a world-renowned attraction that draws millions to see the spectacular show every 30 minutes or so.  We found a good spot and thoroughly enjoyed a rendition of Elvis’ “Viva Las Vegas” set to the dancing fountains and light show.  The evening had just set in and the strip was coming alive.  While a few of my buddies went over to some other attractions, Som and I made our way back to our hotel since the final member of our squad had arrived.  We met him in the lobby and for the next couple of hours he introduced me to new flavors of ‘Whiskey’ and ways of tasting it!  He also proposed that we try and get into one of the exclusive Vegas clubs, which is much easier said than done; but he asked us to leave it to him.

We were headed to a club in "Paris'...hotel that is
After a Chinese dinner, which was way too expensive than it should have been, we went over to ‘Chateau’, a nightclub in 'Paris’ hotel.  Our buddy’s idea of getting us in was ordering an outrageously expensive bottle service and I was reminded of the famous saying that if you are ever paying for bottle service, then you probably do not deserve it.  It was a decent club and we got good seats, but after a couple of hours I was ready to leave…as were a few others.  We still had a better part of the bottle to get through and thankfully no one proposed that we finish it in the next 5 minutes, though someone did try!  We took a cab back to our hotel and after a night cap, grabbed another breakfast before bed.  These outings were wearing me down.

The next day all of us lined up for another round of buffet – this time at a different hotel.  There was a big line to get in and we amused ourselves by wagering on how long our wait would entail…a bit sad really, when you consider that we were losing precious minutes of our lives, that we would never get back.  After lunch we split into different groups and 3 of us went over to ‘Caesar’s Palace’ hotel and found a cocktail lounge to spend the rest of our afternoon.  In all of my travels, I have never considered visiting different restaurants, hotels and bars as “sightseeing”, but I suppose Vegas is an exception.

The magnificent 'Cirque du Soleil' 
We came back to the hotel to get ready for our main attraction of the evening – a visit to see ‘Cirque du Soleil – Zarkana’.  If anyone knows how to put on a show, it is these guys and this was spectacular.  I have seen several of their shows and they continue to amaze.  After the show the boys wanted to go back to the buffet, but by now I had enough of it.  Plus I was running on fumes.  So after a relaxing dinner at a French restaurant named ‘Bardot Brasserie’, I called it a night and went straight back to the room for my first decent night’s sleep since arriving here.  The next day folks had their flights starting early in the morning and a couple of them had already left before breakfast.  The rest of us departed around lunch time and Som and I found ourselves back at the airport amongst slot machines.  He asked me what the best part of the trip had been and while I could have said being with my boys, there was something better than that.  Vegas is a unique place, unlike any other in the world.  It is an unwavering spotlight on decadence and even though I had not spent a single dollar on gambling, I felt that I had been complacent in contributing towards that.  Vegas is as artificial a life as can be imagined and nothing seems real, even a smile.  I was the only person of the 6 who did not have a family to go back to.  But without a doubt I knew what the best part of being in Vegas had been.  I looked at Som and replied, “Leaving for home”.  

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